Talk About “Gravity”! Outer Space Vacations! “Undersea” Resorts! The Center Of The Earth! Extreme Vacations!

Talk About A Great Vacation!

Gravity Best Picture 2013

If you’ve seen the terrific movie “Gravity”, you know there is NO sound in space…and it’s also a unique way to “get away from it all”…in fact, you could say that Sandra Bullock and George Clooney had the whole place to themselves!


Can you imagine having a job in outer space? Getting paid to go into orbit! I’d love it, but I also think it would be even better if you could take a vacation into space…no work, all float!

It may seem desolate in space, but if you think you are alone, look at this picture of outer space junk…

space junk orbiting earth

Behold The Space Junk!

Wow, it’s getting crowded out in space! This is an artist rendering of the space stuff that orbits the earth on a daily basis…if you’ve seen “Gravity” – and if not, go NOW! – you know that space junk is dangerous!

outer space junk

Cue The Wanderlust!

Are you itching for a unique vacation? Could you imagine heading into outer space to see the space junk up close?

outer space travel

Time For Some Extreme Travel!

If you’ve got a taste for something a bit more “adventurous”, check out some of these extreme options!

outer space travel options

There’s even a 3D movie that shows you space junk up close! Before we imagine life in outer space, let’s go the other direction: to the center of the earth!


I found a few of these extreme travel adventures on the great website “Thecoolist”…an amazing list of places to explore that are clearly off the beaten path!

Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea!


A science travel organization called Deep Ocean Expeditions has made Mir Submersibles and Deep Rover submarines available to the traveling public for rare, firsthand views of the frontier below.

underwater exploration

In 2012, a few passengers were taken 12,500 feet below the North Atlantic to see the wreckage of the famed Titanic. Only a handful of craft can sustain human life at such depths, the same craft that carried filmmakers to the sea floor to film James Cameron’s Titanic. How cool does that sound? You’ll even get to see some friends like this:


“The Sharks Will Wake You At Seven!”

Now, if you don’t want to go all the way to the bottom of the sea, maybe you just need to enjoy an underwater bed!

underwater vacations

The Poseidon Undersea Resort!

Yes, Fiji is offering an amazing underwater adventure! Look at how cool this is!

Poseidon underwater resort

If you just want to “sleep with the fishes”, then this is for you! You can find out all about it by clicking on the official website!

And if you want to stay dry, but still go WAY DOWN UNDER, then this may be for you:


Mammoth-Cave spelunking

Here’s what they had to say about this “middle earth” adventure: “The Mammoth Cave National Park in central Kentucky is the longest cave system in the world, a fascinating underground world open to traveling explorers. This Unesco World Heritage Site may be a common tourist trap, but its length is open to fearless adventurers who wish to go beyond the beaten path.

Mammoth-Cave splunking

The Wild Cave Tour at Mammoth Cave takes a small group of spelunkers deep into the cave through twists, turns and tiny spaces that would inspire terror in your average tourist. If you book your own exploration, a private guide will show you the world below, exploring some of Mammoth Cave’s 365 miles of underground tunnels!

underground Mammoth Cave

If the idea of squeezing through 9-inch by 24-inch openings of deep limestone caverns excites you, you’ll be right at home in Mammoth Cave!

Behold “Middle Earth!”

extreme travel adventures spinning orbit

To see all of what “The Coolist” has, go to their site here:

So, if you don’t want to leave earth OR go inside it, how extreme can you get? Plenty!

Sherman’s March!

Thanks to Sherman’s Travel, I found a couple more cool, extreme things to try:



Yep, your local ski resort just doesn’t seem to offer up enough fresh snow…so why not take a helicopter and find your own?

Bella Coola Heli Drop Off

If you’re a top-notch skier who likes a BIG adrenalin rush, get off the trails and take to the skies by boarding a chopper and going heli-skiing, a sport that makes the trek up the mountain as exciting as the run down.


No Ski Lifts Here!

According to Sherman’s March: “Lured by the promise of untouched slopes, wilderness solitude, and challenging terrain, those who dare to get airborne access otherwise inaccessible peaks.”

Fit Tips - Get fit for heli-skiing

If you’ve ever wanted to ski down the top of the world, it’s easier now than ever!
Check out more extreme travel from Sherman’s March:

And if you don’t want to go to the top of the world, let the top of the world bring the show to you!


The Northern Lights!

Yes, let mother nature do all the work!

The bright dancing lights of the aurora are collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres.


Here is an amazing time lapse sequence from Norway, courtesy of NatGeo:

Outer space view

And in Finland, you can rent a glass igloo to watch them from the comfort of your bed! I could watch this for hours…but it still makes me want to head out there myself…

In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream!

Back to “Gravity”…that movie really made me want to head out of town on the ultimate adventure…


And guess what? I can! The 10-day space journey offered by Virginia-based Space Adventures ( blasts you from a launch pad in Kazakhstan into the actual orbit of the Earth, where gravity itself becomes obsolete as you circle the globe every 90 minutes – imagine how much fun it would be to float in outer space!

outer space travel

Virgin Galactic!

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic ( launched its first staffed flights in 2010: Paying passengers will have to wait a bit longer to hop aboard suborbital flights – and it will set you back $200,000.

outer space travel

Flying Outer Space In Economy!

Believe it or not, there IS a low-cost alternative as well! Zero-gravity thrills at an even less-astronomical price ($4,950) are available in Las Vegas or in Cape Canaveral and Titusville, both in Florida, through Zero G (

I for one can’t wait to fly Virgin Galactic!


So many opportunities to be an Astronaut!

So there you have it – it’s your world, explore it!

Best Picture 2013

Categories: Asia Travel, Books, Books/Media, Celebrities, Dangerous Travel, Documentary, Exotic Travel, Extreme Travel, Technology, Travel, Travel Adventures, Travel Memoir, Travel Writing, Uncategorized, Wild Travel

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